Bishop Murray is the founder of the P.S.A.L.M. (Praise, Salt and Light Ministry) Fellowship, pastor of Lake Providence Baptist Church, and the primary voice of 1680 Rejoice radio station. He is a sought after speaker, bringing humor along with the deep revelations of God’s Word. Hear for yourself the reason Bishop Murray is our May feature.
Me: First of all, Bishop, could you tell me your motivation for what you do in ministry?
Answer: I genuinely care about people. My heart is to see people walk in the divine will of God. Too many people are lost today, and too many ministers focus on money and prosperity when our true call is to go into the world and preach the Gospel, letting people know that Jesus loves them and has paid the price for their sins.
Me: Could you elaborate more about the issue of money and prosperity taking precedent over salvation?
Answer: Well, if the Bible tells us that the love of money is the root of all evil, then what happens when preachers only preach about money? They cause the listeners to have a love for money. I’m not saying that God won’t bless us and doesn’t want us living well. Indeed, He does want us to live well, but He didn’t call us to put prosperity before the salvation of souls. After all, what does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul?
I believe the motivation for ministry should never be money! Our motivation should be souls.
Me: Tell me about your experiences with the Holy Spirit, since you are a tongue-talking, Spirit-filled Baptist.
Answer: I was actually filled with the Spirit of God one night in October 1975 at St. John’s Baptist Church in West Virginia. After service, I stepped into the pulpit to greet the pastor and the Spirit of God drove me to my knees. Then, I began to speak in tongues.
I tell people all the time not to pay attention to titles because today, tongue-talkers are in every denomination. You have Catholics, Baptists, Methodists and Lutherans who speak in tongues and flow in the Spirit. Titles mean nothing today. God told me to stay in the Baptist church. He showed me how most people would get filled with the Spirit and then live the denomination, but that change needed to come from the inside. I believe in the gifts of the Spirit, healing and miracles and I don’t hide it from anyone.
Me: Bishop, do you cover other ministers?
Answer: Yes. We actually have two bishops from California and other sons and daughters all over. I’m now preparing to plant churches in a few places.
Me: But you do that differently, too, don’t you?
Answer: Yes. I don’t require ministers to be a member of my churches or fellowships to cover them. I love people enough to build them without them committing to me. I prefer for them to commit to God. I try to always see people through the eyes of Jesus Christ and treat them as Christ would.
Me: Bishop, what are your thoughts on homosexuality in the churches or period?
Answer: First, I believe the Body of Christ lacks order. God does not bless disorder or disunity. Order frees God to operate. Homosexuality is chaos. Yet, my thoughts are though we are to hate the sin, we should love the sinner. Homosexuality is no different in the sight of God as any other sin. He hates it all. As for homosexuality, I believe we must confront, otherwise we cannot conquer it. I don’t believe we should attack any group of people for any reason. We must love them regardless of their issues.
Now, I don’t believe we should allow anyone who acknowledges or is involved openly in any sin, whether fornication, adultery, homosexuality, theft, etc. Those people first need ministering to before they’re able to minister to someone else.
Me: One last question, Bishop. What are your thoughts about the theory of evolution being taught in schools today?
Answer: I believe Christians should train their own children at home. I, too, was taught evolution, but my mother taught me differently at home. Parents must accept responsibility for their own children, giving them the discipline necessary. Schools are not there to raise our kids. Christians should build their own schools and teach the truth.
Me: What is your vision?
Answer: Eventually, I would like to build Christian communities with schools, banks, homeless shelters, AIDS Respite and the like. I believe we should be self-sufficient. It does us no good to preach the Gospel, yet be unable to meet the basic needs of the people we minister to. I believe in evangelizing souls and ministering to the total person. I’m ready to start now, as God puts people of vision into my path. And in it all, I want God to get all the glory!
Answer: I genuinely care about people. My heart is to see people walk in the divine will of God. Too many people are lost today, and too many ministers focus on money and prosperity when our true call is to go into the world and preach the Gospel, letting people know that Jesus loves them and has paid the price for their sins.
Me: Could you elaborate more about the issue of money and prosperity taking precedent over salvation?
Answer: Well, if the Bible tells us that the love of money is the root of all evil, then what happens when preachers only preach about money? They cause the listeners to have a love for money. I’m not saying that God won’t bless us and doesn’t want us living well. Indeed, He does want us to live well, but He didn’t call us to put prosperity before the salvation of souls. After all, what does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul?
I believe the motivation for ministry should never be money! Our motivation should be souls.
Me: Tell me about your experiences with the Holy Spirit, since you are a tongue-talking, Spirit-filled Baptist.
Answer: I was actually filled with the Spirit of God one night in October 1975 at St. John’s Baptist Church in West Virginia. After service, I stepped into the pulpit to greet the pastor and the Spirit of God drove me to my knees. Then, I began to speak in tongues.
I tell people all the time not to pay attention to titles because today, tongue-talkers are in every denomination. You have Catholics, Baptists, Methodists and Lutherans who speak in tongues and flow in the Spirit. Titles mean nothing today. God told me to stay in the Baptist church. He showed me how most people would get filled with the Spirit and then live the denomination, but that change needed to come from the inside. I believe in the gifts of the Spirit, healing and miracles and I don’t hide it from anyone.
Me: Bishop, do you cover other ministers?
Answer: Yes. We actually have two bishops from California and other sons and daughters all over. I’m now preparing to plant churches in a few places.
Me: But you do that differently, too, don’t you?
Answer: Yes. I don’t require ministers to be a member of my churches or fellowships to cover them. I love people enough to build them without them committing to me. I prefer for them to commit to God. I try to always see people through the eyes of Jesus Christ and treat them as Christ would.
Me: Bishop, what are your thoughts on homosexuality in the churches or period?
Answer: First, I believe the Body of Christ lacks order. God does not bless disorder or disunity. Order frees God to operate. Homosexuality is chaos. Yet, my thoughts are though we are to hate the sin, we should love the sinner. Homosexuality is no different in the sight of God as any other sin. He hates it all. As for homosexuality, I believe we must confront, otherwise we cannot conquer it. I don’t believe we should attack any group of people for any reason. We must love them regardless of their issues.
Now, I don’t believe we should allow anyone who acknowledges or is involved openly in any sin, whether fornication, adultery, homosexuality, theft, etc. Those people first need ministering to before they’re able to minister to someone else.
Me: One last question, Bishop. What are your thoughts about the theory of evolution being taught in schools today?
Answer: I believe Christians should train their own children at home. I, too, was taught evolution, but my mother taught me differently at home. Parents must accept responsibility for their own children, giving them the discipline necessary. Schools are not there to raise our kids. Christians should build their own schools and teach the truth.
Me: What is your vision?
Answer: Eventually, I would like to build Christian communities with schools, banks, homeless shelters, AIDS Respite and the like. I believe we should be self-sufficient. It does us no good to preach the Gospel, yet be unable to meet the basic needs of the people we minister to. I believe in evangelizing souls and ministering to the total person. I’m ready to start now, as God puts people of vision into my path. And in it all, I want God to get all the glory!
Tout ce que vous dites est bien beau. En effet, vous parlez de la Bible, de la vie chrétienne,....
Mais, pourquoi appartenez-vous à un "masonic order" ? Vous savez bien que ces loges sont sataniques ! puisqu'à la tête, celui qui dirige se nomme baphomet ? Soit vous vous trompez vous-même et vous devriez sortir au plus vite de ce piège afin que le seul Maître et Seigneur Jésus vous fasse grâce, soit vous êtes au courant et vous trompez les hommes mais pas Jésus-Christ. Dans ce dernier cas, la fin de ceux qui agissent ainsi sera terrible.
Sachez quand même que les disciples de Jésus-Christ ont été avertis et qu'ils prient pour vous.
Le message précédent était bien sûr adressé à C. H. MURRAY.
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