Prayer is not an optional part of salvation. It is one of the most integral parts. Many people don’t take time to pray because they don’t truly understand what prayer is. We want to enlighten our readership about prayer and the power that comes along with it.
Prayer is a two-way conversation with God in which the heart of each party is shared. Even intercession stems from praying according to the things God desires for us to pray. Many times because of our ignorance and sometimes because of our callousness, we forget that God wants to share His heart with us as much as we want to share our hearts with Him.
Prayer is not asking God to move, do, save and fix all the time. Prayer is true communion with God. It is a time to let down all the guards and take off all the masks that benefit nothing. Prayer is a time to open our hearts for God to move in them according to His divine will. Yes, asking God for help is part of prayer, but by no means is it the sum total.
If, during prayer, you say what you have to say and just stop there, then you are cheating yourself and God out of the true purpose of the communication. Our mindsets have to be shifted. For too long now people have thought of God as a genie in the bottle; and of prayer as rubbing that bottle. Nothing could be further from the truth. God made us in His image and likeness. We have more in common with Him than we think. Just as we wouldn’t want our children to wake up in the morning and demand, “Give me this,” or “Do that,” so too, does God feel the same way. Just like we want to hear our children tell us that they love and appreciate us, God wants those things from us. He is the Father and Creator. He deserves more than the selfish “Gimme! Gimme!” attitude that we often give Him. He deserves our love, affection, appreciation and attention. This is prayer: the incorporation of praise, worship, intimate talk and the ability to listen with a willing heart. It’s all about relationship!
I decided long ago that I wanted to get the most out of prayer. I figured it was no use shorting myself. If I was going to be on my knees or pacing the floor anyway, I may as well hush and stick around long enough to hear what God had to say. Since then, I have been continually amazed at how wonderful my time is with God. It is truly a sweet communion. There is nothing better than hearing the voice of God.
Be sure to make prayer an important part of your day. You won’t regret it. In fact, you will likely have the testimony that prayer is the best thing that ever happened to you! And more than that, you will please God in making time for Him. He deserves it, you know.
Pastor Lensey Hayes
Compassionate Healing Ministries International
A Glimmer of Hope
7 years ago