Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Abundant Advice Often Falls on Deaf Ears

One of the saddest facts in the Body of Christ today is poverty. We have whole denominations that teach their people not to be concerned at all with money. We have people who believe that money is evil and they pass that thinking from generation to generation. They feel as if their money is the thing that holds them away from God. The Bible is most correct when it says the love of money is the root of all evil. Yet, Jesus told us to make friends with money, to use it wisely. Howbeit, the Body of Christ is very foolish indeed with their financial decisions.

Day by day, the wealth of financial information and advice is growing exponentially. Yet, debt is growing just as rampant. People are dying without leaving a legacy and inheritance for their children. Many have grown accustomed to living paycheck to paycheck. Unfortunately, poverty is not a good witness to the true desires of God to prosper His people.

The other side of that coin is greed. We have other denominations that teach greed, giving it a new name. There are mega-ministries built from the idea of prosperity and that alone. If you have money, then that must “surely” mean you are going to heaven because you are pleasing God. That teaching is also a lie. Greed causes sorrow of heart and brokenness in spirit. It is an insatiable appetite of more, more, more! Abundant advice usually goes unheard. It seems in the nature of some to rebel even more when it comes to their money. Yet, we must all learn to utilize money as the gift it is, given to further the kingdom of God.

Money is not to be a controlling factor in our lives. To either fear or to covet money is to let it control you. Just as a gift of cookware does not control us, but we control it by using it for its intended purpose, money is no different. The purposes are different, but our response should be the same. It's a poor servant that would bury (be stingy and reluctant to give or invest) his/her money. A wise servant heeds sound wisdom (advice) and allows God to make the little much by being obedient to tithe, give offerings, sow seed, invest in things that appreciate in value, and believe God when the money doesn't seem to increase as fast as the debt.
(Lacresha Hayes)